Skin Allergies

Skin Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment

At the Adult & Children Allergy-Asthma Center, we understand that skin allergies can be not only uncomfortable but also disruptive to your daily life. Our team of expert allergists is dedicated to providing comprehensive skin allergy diagnosis and effective treatment to help you and your family enjoy healthy, itch-free skin.

Skin Allergy Diagnosis: Uncovering the Triggers

Accurate diagnosis is the first step toward effective treatment. Our specialized skin allergy diagnosis process includes:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: During your initial consultation, our allergists will conduct a detailed evaluation of your medical history and skin allergy symptoms, such as itching, redness, hives, or eczema.
  2. Allergy Testing: To pinpoint your specific skin allergy triggers, we offer various testing methods, including skin prick tests and blood tests. These tests help identify the allergens responsible for your skin reactions, which can include pollen, pet dander, certain foods, or contact allergens like latex.
  3. Customized Assessment: Based on the results of your allergy tests and the severity of your skin allergies, our allergists will provide you with a personalized assessment and a tailored treatment plan.

Skin Allergy Treatment: Achieving Healthy, Comfortable Skin

Once we’ve identified your skin allergy triggers, our Adult & Children Allergy-Asthma Center offers a range of effective treatment options to help you manage and alleviate your skin allergy symptoms:

  1. Allergen Avoidance Strategies: We provide guidance on allergen avoidance techniques, such as adjusting your environment, modifying your skincare routine, and eliminating potential contact allergens.
  2. Topical Medications: For mild to moderate skin allergies, we may prescribe topical corticosteroids or non-steroidal creams and ointments to alleviate itching, redness, and inflammation.
  3. Oral Medications: In some cases, oral antihistamines or other allergy medications may be recommended to manage more severe symptoms.
  4. Allergen Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots): For individuals with persistent and severe skin allergies, allergen immunotherapy may be considered. This treatment helps your immune system build tolerance to specific allergens over time.

Your Path to Healthy Skin Begins Here

At the Adult & Children Allergy-Asthma Center, we are dedicated to helping you and your family achieve healthy, comfortable skin. Our experienced allergists provide the tools, knowledge, and treatment options necessary to manage and alleviate your skin allergy symptoms.

If you suspect skin allergies are affecting your quality of life, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. Your well-being and skin health are our top priorities, and we are here to provide comprehensive skin allergy diagnosis and effective treatment to ensure you can enjoy life to the fullest.